Turns out that he also "decided" that he'd do some work on the roof. What a great idea! (NOT!) I had no clue that he was doing this UNTIL he fell off of the ladder. I'm sure that he gave our neighbors quite the sight!
We ended up in the ER, after he had a panic attack on the living room floor, and they x-rayed his hand to find multiple fractures. We'll see the hand surgeon on Monday or Tuesday and he'll be laid up with his right hand for at least 8 weeks, yikes!
I have no idea how he will start the school year not being able to write but he sure can show the kids how to do the pledge of allegiance. (His arm is in a sling set in that position..) Maybe he can also teach "safety" lessons.
o thats not good we will be praying for you!!
love you lots
That's terrible! Hope you heal quickly. Look on the bright side...at least it happened at the end of summer AFTER many house projects were completed. Enjoy your final week of summer!
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