Sunday, August 3, 2008

Are you kidding me??

I love my church. 
Actually we love, love, love our church and our pastor but after reading the front page O! article from the Oregonian this Sunday(A church for the churchless -- with Pastor Kip No candles, altars or stained glass windows. Just one rockin' church )I did not LOVE what they had to say.  The article was great in some areas but I really don't think that they interviewed our pastor. If they would have, they would have found the real reason that we don't have elaborate stained glass or bronze crosses. Pastor Kip advocates that true salvation is about your relationship and acceptance of Christ, not the fact that you simply attend church. Hence the lack of focus on our church beautification within the sanctuary. I think that this should have been added. It's not really about the "church-ness" that people go to church, it's to strengthen their relationship with Christ and meet with others in fellowship. That's the first part of my rant. 
Secondly, the part about "...there were no bibles in sight.." is completely untrue! I want to know where they sat during the service! Everyone and their mom (literally) brings their personal bible from home! Wouldn't it make sense to refer to your own personal bible during service?!? They do provide bibles in the hub for newcomers or anyone really, if the writer would have read the "Welcome Notes" they would have known this. That one really had me.

No, Southlake is not a wack job of a church and in fact it does a great job of keeping relational salvation real and holding Christians accountable. We have attended regularly since our days at George Fox and several of our former professors attend as well, it is a wonderful place to be.

We LOVE our Southlake Church! 


Jim said...

Good work on the church article. I read it Sunday and was not quite sure what to make of it. Love, Dad

Moon Dance Ranch said...

R,K,H and L--
We read the article and liked he exposure it gave your church. We didn't think too deep about it.
We love your Rock and Roll church. May the article bring folks in to see what is going on their and then HOOK them on to JESUS!!!!!
love you--
D,G,G and I

Moon Dance Ranch said...

I meant there, not their...oops