Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Introducing.. .Sandy!!

We have welcomed Sandy into our home as a foster dog!

She's a great girl and Leo is being a fabulous friend. We are happy to care for Sandy and hope that she finds a loving forever home. She is a smart and goofy 11 month old labradoodle. She's beautiful and her coat seems very curly.

On another note, we're sorry for being lazy about posting but we are officially back to teaching and seem to have less and less blog time! 


Unknown said...

She is beautiful and I love the leash. I bet you guys could turn some heads when you take them out for a strool. I bet leo is loving it as she is probably teaching him a bunch of new tricks! Or is it the other way around? anyway you two are having way to much fun with your pets I think you need to think about getting a few green acres and a pet pig. mum

Moon Dance Ranch said...

shes great! would she like the country?

Uncle Gary