Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!!

I think that teacher appreciation week is near the end of the school year for a very important remind us of why we love what we do. These last few weeks have been especially rough ones and with the summer countdown on, it has been REALLY hard to stay fresh and energetic. So happy teacher week to all of our friends and family who share the gift of teaching!
The beautiful flowers were from my wonderful assistant this morning. Without her I would have lost my sanity long before now! (Did anyone know that I earned the prestigious Mill Park Elementary "Am I gray yet?" paper plate award last year at our staff luncheon??) 

Last Sunday was beautiful so we took the opportunity to take Leo for a walk down on the Columbia River. Oh, I can't wait until summer! When we got home it was still warm enough to give Leo a bath outside. Here he is running around the living room with his towel on.


Moon Dance Ranch said...

wacongrats. to you both it takes special people to teach!!!

G,D and boys

Moon Dance Ranch said...

sorry i dont know were wa came from darn computer!!