Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of our favorite moms!
Leo and Henry brought me a lovely necklace and earrings this morning and Leo even got to snuggle on the couch. (Randy has NEVER allowed this to happen so he documented the occasion- see picture above..) Leo was quite the snuggle buddy and enjoyed every second on the couch!!
Yesterday we took Leo down to Waterfront Park for Doggie Dash. He was very nervous around all of the people and dogs UNTIL he saw my parents and their dogs, at which point he went completely crazy and bolted across the park, out of his leash to see them!!! Praise the Lord that my mom is quick and grabbed him as he was off leash (and collar..). He knows who his family and dog friends are! Above is a soapy picture from his bath Friday. He had to clean up so that he could look his best around all of the other dogs:).

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