Wednesday, January 28, 2009

7 Random things about US

O.k., so we sound nerdier than random but here are 7 random things about us. Enjoy!

1) We are Costco freaks and go there weekly. (Kelli even drove there on "autopilot" this week instead of turning to go to a dentist appointment... )

2) We met in gym class... and have worked out a lot since then!

3) We like capers and cook with them often.

4) The Stephanie Inn is our FAVORITE place to stay in Oregon.

5) We read the paper every single morning (are we OLD or just keeping the Oregonian in business??)

6) We eat dinner together (at the dinning room table) every night. 

7) You could count the times that we've eaten fast food in the last year on one hand, and we only eat at Burgerville. :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A post that does NOT have to do with snow..

O.k., I don't really have a lot to say but I'm tired of seeing snow on the blog so it's time to put up a new post! 

Our students are back in full force after the three week winter vacation. My second graders are getting so BIG that I was a little misty eyed to see them... they're growing and not looking like the little babies that I started the year with. 

Randy's first graders continue to crack me up.... 
Here's how a day last week went in his classroom: Randy wore a (very nice) sweater that I helped him pick out with his Christmas gift cards. It's a wool sweater with different colored gray and black stripes on it and looks just like it came out of a gap catalog (which it did...). Anyway, he came home and said that the kids hated it. One said, "Mr. King, why are you wearing your pajamas today?" another one commented, " Mr. King, you look like you just got out of jail!". 
Gee, we'll see if he wears THAT sweater again! Out of the mouths of babes!

Here's a picture of my newly shaved dog... anyone know of a GOOD groomer that knows what a doodle SHOULD look like?? Ugg, I can't believe how many groomers we've gone through and I've hated every cut. I don't want him shaved (and I say this!!) and I don't want a fluffy poodle. Heeelllooo people, is it really that hard? 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Snow!!! again...

Here are the snowmen that Randy and Jordan (foster kiddo) made this morning. 

A New Year, A New Snow

This is what we woke up to this morning here at King's East. Keep in mind I even went for a drive last night to look for the flood waters of Johnson Creek, and I fell asleep to the pouring rain. It will be pretty to look at this morning, although Kelli tells me I should try to build a snowman.
Happy New Year!

In this picture you can still see the standing water in our front yard.

Can you find Leo in this picture? He loves the snow!!